Treating Ex-Servicemen and Ex-Servicewomen with respect
"The whole outlook of the country and the government is that there is nothing within our means and in the bounds of common sense that we can do for these men that we ought not to do.
That is as big a charter as we can possibly have."
The Right Honourable Peter Fraser MP, Wartime Prime Minister of New Zealand

Lest We Forget
Montecillo Veterans Home and Hospital is a Medical and Geriatric Hospital and Rest Home.
The Montecillo Veterans Home and Hospital, together with the Trustees, CEO, Nurse Manager and Staff, are committed to the provision of quality care for Veterans and their Dependants.
The provision of care at Montecillo, a specialised Veterans Age Care Facility, includes caring for medical conditions that are attributable to military service over and above the ageing process.
There is a focus on supporting the older person to reach a level of wellness that may enable them to move back into the community if that is their wish, or to move through a continuum of different levels of care within the facility of Montecillo. The Home is equipped with 44 ensuite rooms, a large lounge, a chapel, library, dining room and kitchen, two patios and two day rooms, one of which includes an outdoor deck area.
All servicemen and service women are recognised as the Whanau of the NZDF Iwi of Ngati Tumatauenga (the Maori God of War). Staff training is through an appointed Maori adviser, who has served in the army, and includes cultural awareness of the Treaty of Waitangi, and the further special significance that while Ngai Tahu is mana whenua, the Iwi of Ngai Tahu recognise Montecillo and the Iwi of Ngati Tumatauenga as guests in Ngai Tahu’s ancestral lands for the duration and the life of Montecillo.
Montecillo is an Associate Cohort to the RNZRSA. This affiliation provides direct individual access to the national organisation.